Thursday, 29 November 2012

Perfect Perfect VISION

Using four straight 
lines, divide this 
square into nine 
pieces, so that 
each piece total 
the same number.

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Thinking carefully ~

One day, Mary's father gave her 10 stalks of flowers and asked her to arrange all these flowers in 5 straight lines. Each line must have 4 stalks of flowers. How does Mary arrange these flowers ?

 Oops ! This student was    gave the wrong answer !

 Aiya, this student also work out the wrong answer !

After discussion, still cannot get the answer. Then, they came and asked :" Teacher, 5 straight lines X 4 stalks of flowers = 20 stalks of flowers , not 10 stalks of flowers."
But teacher said there are 10 stalks of flowers only.
Oh, my god ! What should Mary done to get the answer ??? 

 Let us see this student, she find the answer...

hahaha, this is the answer :

10 stalks of flowers arrange in 5 straight lines, so each line will have 4 stalks of flowers !

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Thinking skill

 Pupils were trying to find out the answer.


Finally, the answer was came out, hahaha...

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Lesson Plan (Mass)

Lesson   plan

Subject                        :     Mathematics

Year                             :      3

Topic                            :     Mass

Duration/Time             :     60 minutes

Subject Content          :   Kilogram is a standard unit used to weigh heavy objects, and gram is a standard unit used to weigh light objects.

Learning Outcomes    :   At the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to:
1. Read scales to the nearest division.
2. Measure and record masses of objects using the standard units.

Moral Values               :     Being Cooperative and helpful

Thinking Skills            :     Comparing and reasoning.

Teaching Aids             :    Books, Salt, Sugar, Apple, Marbles weighing instrument, chalks.



Teaching and Learning Activities


Set induction
( 5 minutes )

To arouse interest

1.        Teacher shows slides of various types of weighing instruments.
2.        Teacher talks about the weighing instruments used from the olden days till modern times.

Power Point 1

Step 1
(15 minutes)

To introduce the concept of weight

1.      Teacher introduces the concept of weight by comparing two objects; marble and chalk.
2.      Students try to guess which object is heavier.
3.      Teacher puts the two objects onto the equal arm balance.
4.      Students now can see which is heavier and make this conclusion:
      “The marble is heavier than a piece of     

Equal arm balance,
Marble, Chalk

Step 2
(15 minutes)

To introduce the symbol “kg” and “g” and to read scales to the nearest division

1.      Teacher introduces the symbols for kilograms and grams.
2.      Teacher guides students to read the weighing scales to the nearest division.
3.      Teacher distributes worksheets and students write down the masses of the objects.
4.      Teacher checks answers with the students.

Power Point 2
Worksheet 1

Step 3
(20 minutes)

To measure masses of objects and to record them in kilograms and grams

1.      Teacher divides class into 3 groups.
2.      The group leader will collect all the objects and weighing scale.
3.      Students measure the mass of the various objects and record them in the table provided. 





5 marbles

4.      Teacher goes around checking that the students are weighing and reading the scales correctly.

Weighing scale
Salt, Sugar, Apple,
Book, Marbles

(5 minutes)

Game – “Show The Mass.”

1.      Students remain in the same group for the game.
2.      Teacher distributes picture cards and the face of the weighing scales.
3.      Students take turns to read the mass of the objects and turn the pointer to show the correct mass.

Picture cards.
Cut-out face of sc


Sunday, 28 October 2012

Daily lesson plan ~ Volume of liquid

Date                            :   26 July  2012 ( Tuesday )
Time                            :   2.05p.m. – 2.35p.m. ( 30 minutes )
Year                             :   3 Hijau
Number of student     :   35
Subject                        :   Mathematics ( Volume of liquid )
Topic                           :   Measure and compare volume
Learning Area           :   Introduction to volume of liquid
Learning Objective    :   Pupils will be taught  to :
                                      i) understand and use the vocabulary related to volume of liquid
Learning outcomes             : At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to ;
  i) use the vocabulary related to volume in practical contexts
Previous Knowledge : Pupils possess the knowledge of the capacity of volume in their
   daily life.                            
Vocabulary                : full , half full , empty
Thinking Skill             :  measuring , comparing
Moral value               : Cooperation, responsible,confidence
Integration                 : Comunicating in English and Mathematics
Material/Resources : glasses , water ,  word cards , CD sound

Teaching and Learning Activities
Students and Learning Activities

Set Induction

+- 5 minutes

Introduction of sound  :

-       waves
-       raining
-       river
-       pipe water

1. Teacher play sound to
    pupils and asks questions:-
i. Class, close your eyes  and
   listen to these sound.
( A few minutes later… )
ii. What kind of sound do you
hear ?

2. Teacher asks another
question to introduce pupils
today lesson :-
i. Class, what is the purpose
   of water in our daily life ?

1. Pupils close their eyes and
hear the sound.

2. Answer teacher’s question :-
  ii. sound of waves / raining /
      river / pipe water and etc.

3. Answer another question
before teacher go through
step 1 :-
i. drinking / bathing / washing /
   swimming and etc.

CD sound

Moral value
cooperation /

Step  1

+- 15 minutes

Teaching kits :-

Glasses and water

1. Teacher asks :-
i. How much water do you  
   drink during your lunch time?

2. Request  a  pupil come in
     front and then pour the
     amount of water he / she
     drank during lunch time.

3. Teacher asks again :-
i. The water occupied whole
   glass, what do we call it ?
ii. Can we pour in some more
    water ? Why ?

1. Pupils  raise their hands to
answer :-
i. a glass / a bottle / little

2. A pupil  follow the instruction.

3. Pupils answer reasonable :-
i. one whole glass.

ii. cannot. Because it is full.

glasses, water

Moral value
confidence /

4. Then teacher shows another
one empty glass and asks :-
i. Do you see any water in the
   glass ? What do we call it ?

5. Teacher explain on the table
is a full glass of water and 
an empty glass. Then 
request another pupil come 
in front to pour water into 
another glass to show how 
    he / she share water equally. Then asks :-
i. Now, how much water do you
   have ?

4. Pupils answer :-
i. No, there is nothing. We call
   it empty.

5. A pupil follow the instruction
to share the water equally.

Then he / she gives
    reasonable answer :-
i. one half glass / half / less /
   a few and etc.

glasses, water

Full / empty /
half full

Thinking skill
Observing /

Moral value

Step 2

+- 7 minutes

Teaching kits :-

Glasses and water

Word cards :-




1. Teacher shows the 3 
glasses which contain full , 
half full and empty volume.

2. Teacher holds half full glass
of water on left hand and full 
glass of water on right hand.

3. Asks pupils to say the  
volume of the first glass 
and follow with the second 

4. Then shows the word cards
and name pupils to paste on
the correct glass, then read
it loudly.

1. Pupils observe what had
been doing by teacher.

2. Pupils may say reasonable:-
     half ~ full ( half full )

3. Pupils paste the word cards
on the correct glass and
read it loudly.

Thinking skill

Moral value:
Cooperative learning

glass / water /
word cards

+- 3 minutes

Summary of today lesson :-
1) Introduction to
    volume of liquid
2) Understand and use
the vocabulary
related to volume in
practical contexts.

1. Teacher concludes today
    lesson :-
i. What have we learned today?

2. Teacher tells pupils  
     regarding the next lesson.
Possible  Combinations

1. Pupils respond to teacher’s questions.

Thinking skill
Making conclusion

Self- Reflection