Sunday, 11 November 2012

Thinking carefully ~

One day, Mary's father gave her 10 stalks of flowers and asked her to arrange all these flowers in 5 straight lines. Each line must have 4 stalks of flowers. How does Mary arrange these flowers ?

 Oops ! This student was    gave the wrong answer !

 Aiya, this student also work out the wrong answer !

After discussion, still cannot get the answer. Then, they came and asked :" Teacher, 5 straight lines X 4 stalks of flowers = 20 stalks of flowers , not 10 stalks of flowers."
But teacher said there are 10 stalks of flowers only.
Oh, my god ! What should Mary done to get the answer ??? 

 Let us see this student, she find the answer...

hahaha, this is the answer :

10 stalks of flowers arrange in 5 straight lines, so each line will have 4 stalks of flowers !


  1. sangat bagus...

  2. good thinking skill...

  3. Saya suka dengan soalan yang memerlukan daya pemikiran kritikal sebegini. Jadi murid lebih banyak berfikir daripada menghafal.

    Blog cikgu juga menarik dan gambar yang dipaparkan di sini adalah gambar sebenar dan bersesuaian dengan P&P cikgu di dalam kelas.

    Tahniah daripada saya.

    1. Terima kasih atas komen yang diberi oleh pensyarah.

  4. Terima kasih atas komen yang diberi oleh rakan-rakan dan pensyarah, saya akan terus berusaha lagi agar menarik minat murid-murid.

  5. banyak maklumat disediakan, bagus.

  6. Saya suka akan blog cikgu, banyak maklumat yang diperolehi dan maklumat ini sangat berfaedah kepada murid-murid dan guru-guru. Terima kasih!

  7. Your blog so creative. I like it! Keep it up!

  8. Syabas! Banyak pengajaran yang kreatif didapati dan memanfaatkan saya dalam P&P.
