Using four straight
lines, divide this
square into nine
pieces, so that
each piece total
the same number.
lines, divide this
square into nine
pieces, so that
each piece total
the same number.
Teaching and Learning Activities
Set induction
( 5 minutes )
To arouse interest
Teacher shows slides of
various types of weighing instruments.
Teacher talks about the
weighing instruments used from the olden days till modern times.
Power Point 1
Step 1
(15 minutes)
To introduce the concept of weight
1. Teacher introduces the concept of weight by comparing two objects;
marble and chalk.
2. Students try to guess which object is heavier.
3. Teacher puts the two objects onto the equal arm balance.
4. Students now can see which is heavier and make this conclusion:
“The marble is heavier than a piece
Equal arm balance,
Marble, Chalk
Step 2
(15 minutes)
To introduce the symbol “kg” and “g” and
to read scales to the nearest division
1. Teacher introduces the symbols for kilograms and grams.
2. Teacher guides students to read the weighing scales to the nearest
3. Teacher distributes worksheets and students write down the masses
of the objects.
4. Teacher checks answers with the students.
Power Point 2
Worksheet 1
Step 3
(20 minutes)
To measure masses of objects and to
record them in kilograms and grams
1. Teacher divides class into 3 groups.
2. The group leader will collect all the objects and weighing scale.
3. Students measure the mass of the various objects and record them
in the table provided.
4. Teacher goes around checking that the students are weighing and
reading the scales correctly.
Weighing scale
Salt, Sugar, Apple,
Book, Marbles
(5 minutes)
Game – “Show The Mass.”
1. Students remain in the same group for the game.
2. Teacher distributes picture cards and the face of the weighing
3. Students take turns to read the mass of the objects and turn the
pointer to show the correct mass.
Picture cards.
Cut-out face of sc